Comparative Politics Workshop


Each semester, the Comparative Politics Subfield within Cornell University's Government Department organizes an in-house workshop with faculty and graduate students. During each workshops, a mix of faculty and graduate student papers are shared and discussed.  The purpose of this workshop is to hear about each other's work, provide constructive comments on papers and preliminary research designs, and to learn from one another. Graduate students develop a better understanding of faculty research and about the paper-editing process. Faculty learn about innovative graduate student research.  The workshops are usually held in December and May.

Spring 2022

Friday, May 6
Location: Warren Hall B75

10:00-10:45am: The Electoral Consequences of Gender-Based Crimes, Angie Torres-Beltran
Discussants: Gustavo Flores-Macias and Emily Jackson
Chair: Trevor Brown

10:45-11:30am: Transformative Ideas and the Evolution of the Climate Policy Regime in China, Christina Pan
Discussants: Sid Tarrow and Kevin Foley
Chair: Lindsey Pruett

11:30-11:45am: Coffee Break (provided)

11:45am-12:30pm: Organizational Strength: How Persistent Membership Stability Affects Ruling Party Survival, Fabio Angiolillo 
Discussants: Nic van de Walle and Hui Yuan Neo
Chair: Alexandra Blackman

12:30-1:00pm: Lunch Break (provided)

1:00-1:45pm: Resisting the Blood Tax: Infrastructure, State Capacity and Draft Evasion, Lindsey Pruett
Discussants: Isabel Perera and Joseph Lasky
Chair: Christina Pan

1:45-2:30pm: Strange Bedfellows: Labor-Management Coalitions in the Public Sector & State Privatization, Isabel M. Perera & Trevor Brown
Discussants: Tom Pepinsky and Alex Dyzenhaus
Chair: Fabio Angiolillo

Fall 2021

Friday, December 3, 2021; HYBRID Format, from 10am-12:00pm, and 3pm-4:30pm

Morning Session (Sibley 144)
10:15 Research Design: When Widows Win: Land Lotteries and Civic Participation in Georgia
Presenters: Aaron Childree, Alexandra Cirone, Harry Dienes
Discussants: Frances Cayton, Alex Blackman

11:00 Proffering Material Goods in Return for Electoral Support: The Effect of the Hungarian Village Programme on Vote Share in
Presenter: Krisztina Szabó
Discussants: Cameron Mailhot, Sid Tarrow

Afternoon Session (Sibley 115)
3:00 Tracing Ideas in the Communist Party: Building a Unique Text Dataset of Ideological Change
Presenter: Kevin Foley
Discussants: Christina Pan, Ali Cirone

3:45 Movements, Democracy and Undemocracy
Presenter: Sid Tarrow
Discussants: LP Brochu, Rachel Riedl
Note: Due to Covid restrictions, the department is limited in the social events we can run. So we will celebrate the CP workshop on SATURDAY at the departmental Christmas event; everyone be sure to attend!

Spring 2021

May 28, 2021 from 10:00am-3:00pm
Zoom Event

10:00-10:45: The Deliberative Constitution: Lotteries in Denmark’s 1848 Constituent Assembly” by Ali Cirone 
Discussants: Nic van de Walle and Thalia Gerzso
Chair: Sabrina Karim

10:45-11:30: “A Two-Headed Creature: Bicameralism in African Autocracies” by Thalia Gerzso 
Discussants:  Rachel Riedl and Alex Dyzenhaus
Chair: Ali Cirone

11:30-12:15: “The Diffusion of Police Militarization: Evidence from Mayors Appointing Military Members as Police Chiefs in Mexico” by Jessica Zarkin Notni 
Discussants: Sabrina Karim and Roya Izadi 
Chair: Thalia Gerzso

BREAK 12:15-12:45

12:45-1:30: “The Price of Redistribution: Local Markets and Agriculture in South Africa's Land Reform Program” by Alex Dyzenhaus Discussants:  Tom Pepinksy and Joe Lasky
Chair: Jessica Zarkin Notni

1:30-2:15 “Crime and Elite Support for Redistribution and Democracy: Evidence from Mexico" by Vincent Mauro, Gustavo Flores-Macias, Mariano Sánchez-Talanquer
Discussants:  Ken Roberts and Jessica Zarkin Notni
Chair: Alex Dyzenhaus 

2:15-3:00 “Captains of Industry: The Political Economy of Profiteering Armed Forces” by Roya Izadi
Discussants: Gustavo Flores-Macias and Vincent Mauro
Chair: Tom Pepinsky 

Happy Hour @ 4pm at South Hill Cider (only if people feel safe)

Fall 2020

November 19, 2020

Zoom Event

10:00-10:45: “What Men Want: Politicians' Strategic Response to Gender Quotas in Tunisia's 2018 Municipal Elections” by Alex Blackman
Discussants:  Nic van de Walle and Mariel Barnes
Chair: Sabrina Karim

10:45-11:30:  “Independent Media Under Pressure: Evidence from Russia” By Bryn Rosenfeld
Discussants:  Ali Cirone and Julius Lagodny 
Chair: Alex Blakman

11:30-12:15: “The Manosphere and Politics” by Mariel Barnes and Sabrina Karim
Discussants: Bryn Rosenfeld and Tessa Evans
Chair: Gustavo Flores-Macias

BREAK 12:15-12:45

12:45-1:30: “Humanity’s Midlife Crisis: The Existential Deadlock of Liberalism” By Uriel Abulof

Discussants:  Tom Pepinsky and Jimena Valdez
Chair: Laura Huber

1:30-2:15 “One Step Forward, One Step Back: The Micro-Level Impacts of Conflict and Aid on Public Opinion on Domestic Violence” By Laura Huber
Discussants: Alex Blackman and Angie Torres-Beltran
Chair: Bryn Rosenfeld

2:15-3:00pm  “Perceptions vs. Reality: Explaining the Rise of Spain's Vox” By Jimena Valdez, Gustavo Flores-Macias, and Julius Lagodny
Discussants: Ken Roberts and Darin Self
Chair: Mariel Barnes

Spring 2020

May 8, 2020, Zoom Event, 10:00am-1:30pm

10:00-10:45: Sabrina Karim and Sarah Berens: “Conflict or Crime? How victimization shapes preferences for public goods provision in Liberia”  Discussants: Gustavo Flores-Macias and Pauliina Patana, Chair: Ali Cirone    

10:45-11:30: Aditi Sahasrabuddhe: “This Time It’s Personal: The Individual Politics of Central Bank Cooperation during the Global Financial Crisis”  Discussants: Ken Roberts and Nina Obermeier, Chair: Tom Pepinsky   

11:30-12:15: Lincoln Hines: “Righteous Fists: Status, Mobilization, and Conflict in Late Imperial China”  Discussants: Nic van de Walle and Alex Dyzenhaus, Chair: Bryn Rosenfeld

12:15-1:30: Lindsey Pruett: “Draft Dodgers and Volunteers: Spatial Determinants of Military Recruitment Outcomes 1919-1938”  Discussants: Rachel Riedl and Laura Huber, Chair: Sabrina Karim

Fall 2019

December 13, 2019, White Hall 104, 10:00am-4:00pm

10:00-10:45: Bryn Rosenfeld: “Protest Participation and Attitude Change in Ukraine’s Euromaidan Revolution”  Discussant: Ken Roberts and Vincent Mauro, Chair: Tom Pepinsky  

10:45-11:30: Gustavo Flores-Macias and Jessica Zarkin: “The Consequences of Militarizing Law Enforcement: Evidence from Mexico”  Discussant: Tom Pepinsky and Yamile Guibert, Chair: Bryn Rosenfeld  

11:30-12:15:  Darin Self: “Putting on the Civilian's Uniform: Political Contestation by Military Elites in Post-New Order Indonesia”  Discussant: Jeremy Wallace and Darin Self, Chair: Gustavo Flores-Macias

12:15-1:30:  Lunch 

1:30-2:15:   Nic van de Walle and Thalia Gerzo: “The Politics of Legislative Expansion in Africa”  Discussant: Ali Cirone and Pauliina Patana, Chair: Darin Self  

2:15-3:00:  Tessa Evans: “Norm Entrepreneurs from the Global South: LGBT Rights after Conflict”  Discussant: Bryn Rosenfeld and Angie Torres, Chair: Thalia Gerzo

3:00-3:15:  Coffee Break

3:15-4:00:   Shiqi Ma: “Space, Information, and Slum Clearance: A Case Study of Beijing”  Discussant: Gustavo Flores-Macias and Cameron Mailhot, Chair: Tessa Evans

4:30-5:00:  Social Hour

Spring 2019

May 31, 2019, White Hall 104, 10:00am-3:30pm

10:00-10:45:  Sid Tarrow and Emilio Lehoucq: “The Rise of a Transnational Movement to Protect Privacy” Discussant:  Thalia Gerzo

10:45-11:30:   Ken Roberts: “Bipolar Disorders: Varieties of Capitalism and Subtypes of Populism in Latin America and Europe” Discussant: Nina Obermeier

11:30-12:15:  Lindsey Pruett, Alex Dyzenhaus, and Sabrina Karim: “Police, Youth and Election Violence: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Liberia” Discussant: Nic van de Walle

12:15-1:00:     Lunch 

1:00-1:45:       Julius Lagodny: “The Effect of Discrimination and Co-Ethnic Neighborhoods on Political Behavior for Immigrant Origin Citizens in Germany” Discussant: Sabrina Karim

1:45-2:30:       Yamile Guibert: “Petty Corruption and Social Desirability in Peru: A Mixed Methods Approach” Discussant: Jeremy Wallace

2:30-2:45:       Coffee Break

2:45-3:30:       Vincent Mauro: “The Political Origins of Social Policy in Liberal Democracies” Discussant: Tom Pepinksy

3:45-5:00:       Social Hour:  The Statler Hotel Bar

Fall 2018

December 7, 2018, White Hall 110, 10:00am-4:00pm

10:00-10:45:  Tom Pepinsky and Jeremy Menchik “Islam, Identity, and the Organizational Roots of Political Tolerance.”  Discussant: Sabrina Karim

10:45-11:30: Jeremy Wallace, Panle Jia Barwick, Shanjun Li, and Jessica Chen Weiss, “Commercial Casualties: Political Boycotts and International Disputes” Discussant:  Tom Pepinsky

11:30-12:15:  Ali Cirone and Sergio Garcia-Rios, “Research Design: Pitching Methods.”  Discussant:  Jeremey Wallace

12:15-1:30:  Lunch (catered by Taste of Thai)

1:30-2:15:  Vincent Mauro, “Party System Development and Inequality in Subnational Brazil.” Discussant:  Ali Cirone

2:15-3:00:  Nina Obermeier, “The anti-internationalists: Political parties and the backlash against globalization in Europe.” Discussant: Vincent Mauro

3:00-3:15:  Coffee Break

3:15-4:00:  Jimena Valdez, “What capital wants: business interests and labor market reform in Portugal and Spain.”  Discussant: Nina Obermeier

4:30-6:00:  Social Hour: First Friday – Department Lounge

Spring 2018

May 11, 2018, White Hall 104, 10:00am-3:30pm

10:00-10:45:  Sabrina Karim “How International Post-Conflict Reforms Improve Public Opinion of State Bureaucracies:  Experimental Evidence with the Liberian National Police”

10:45-11:30: Tom Pepinsky “A New Approach for Discovering Social Beliefs about Ethnic Structure”

11:30-12:15:  Junyan Jiang and Jeremy Wallace, “Informal Institutions and Authoritarian Information Systems:  Theory and Evidence from China”

12:15-1:00:  Lunch (catered by Taste of Thai)

1:00-1:45:  Sebastian Dettman, “Party Broadening and Coalition Building: Opposition Dilemmas under Competitive Authoritarianism”

1:45-2:30:  Mona Krewel and Christian W. Martin, “Voter attachment, room-to-maneuver, and the demise of Social Democracy”

2:30-2:45:  Coffee Break

2:45-3:30:  Michele Fenzly, “Income Inequality and Unions:  The Watchdog that Stopped Barking”

3:45-5:00:  Social Hour:  The Statler Hotel Bar
