Past Course Offerings

How to use this page

This page lists courses that have been offered by the Government Department over the past few years, as well as a tentative list of courses to be taught in the upcoming semesters.  Past semesters give a possible indication of the frequency that a course is taught.  Tentative course listings can change at any time and this list may not be up to date.  Any conclusions drawn from past and tentative courses should be confirmed with the the course's professor before making any enrollment decisions.

Spring 2020

Introductory Courses

1313 Intro to Comparative Politics

1615 Introduction to Political Theory

Major Seminars

4000.10x Checks & Balances or an Imperial Presidency?

4000.10x American Grand Strategy

Other Seminars

4816 Space, Territory, Politics

American Government and Institutions

2041 Electoral (mal)practice

2169 Survey Data in the Information Age

3062 Constitutional Politics & Citizenship

3112 Congress and the Legislative Process

3121 Crime and Punishment

4000.10x Checks & Balances or an Imperial Presidency?

Comparative Politics

3044 China's Next Economy

3273 Politics and Markets

3293 Compartive Politics of Latin America

3294 Post-Truth Politics

3553 Issues behind the News

International Relations

2897 Human Right at War

3502 Becoming a China Hand

4000.10x American Grand Strategy

Political Theory

3566 Critical Theories of Power

3785 Civil Disobedience

4816/6826 Space, Territory, Politics

Honors Courses

4959 Honors: Research & Writing


3990 Puzzle Solving with Data

6029 Advanced Regression Analysis

Graduate Seminars

6053 Comparative Methods in International Relations & Comparative Politics

6182 Political Activism & Organizing

6212 American Constitutional Development

6344 Reading History Forward

6585 American Political Thought

6826 Space, Territory, Politics

6977 Research in Intern'l Relations

7274 Research Seminar in Political Violence


Fall 2019

Introductory Courses

1111 Introduction to American Government and Politics

1817 Making Sense of World Politics

Major Seminars

4000.101 Democracy and Representation

Other Seminars

4021 American Conservative Thought

4283 Latino Politics as Racial Pol

4293 Comparative Urbanization

4365 Ethnonat'l Comm and Conflicts

4403 War and the State in Comparative Perspective

4827 China, Tibet and Xinjiang

American Government and Institutions

3032 Pol of Public Policy in the US

3082 American Political Campaigns

3152 Prisons, Politics & Policy

3161 The American Presidency

4000.101 Democracy and Representation

4021 American Conservative Thought

Comparative Politics

2264 Political Violence

2553 Inside Europe

3353 African Politics

3354 Transf of Socialist Societies

3805 Israeli Politics

4283 Latino Politics as Racial Pol

4293 Comparative Urbanization

4403 War and the State in Comparative Perspective

International Relations

2817 America Confronts the World

3547 Amer, Business& Int'l Pol Econ

3867 War: Causes and Conduct

3967 What is China?

4827 China, Tibet and Xinjiang

Political Theory

3595 Academe, Work, Politics

3715 Political Theories of Colonialism

3736 Ancient Political Thought

4365 Ethnonat'l Comm and Conflicts

Honors Courses

4949 Honors Thesis Seminar


4019/6019 Introductory Probability and Applied Statistics

Graduate Seminars

6031 Field Seminar In Amer Politics

6049 Categorical and Count Data

6059 Panel and Multilevel Data

6202 Political Culture

6293 Comparative Urbanization

6353 Field Seminar in Comparative Politics

6426 Contemporaries Read Ancients

6525 Contemporary Political Theory

6619 Text and Networks

6827 China, Tibet and Xinjiang

6897 International Security

6987 Domestic Pol & Int'l Relations

7073 Game Theory 1


3091 Science In The American Polity

3683 Comparative Corruption

7937 Proseminar in Peace Studies


Spring 2019

ntroductory Courses

1313 Intro to Comparative Politics

1615 Introduction to Political Theory

Major Seminars

4000.101 Authoritarianism

4000.102 Campaigns & Elections in Europe

4000.103 Checks & Balances or an Imperial Presidency

4000.104 The Politics of National Decline

Other Seminars

4021 American Conservative Thought

4142/6142 Causes & Consequences of U.S. For. Pol.

4816 Topographies of Power

4846/6846 Equality

American Government and Institutions

2041 Electoral (mal)practice

2152 (Im)migration and (Im)migrants: Then & Now

3112 Congress and the Legislative Process

3121 Crime and Punishment

3142 Incarceration, Policy Response & Self-Reflection

4000.103 Checks & Balances or an Imperial Presidency

4021 American Conservative Thought

4142/6142 Causes & Consequences of U.S. Foreign Policy

Comparative Politics

3403 China under Revolution/ Reform

3443 Southeast Asian Politics

4000.101 Authoritarianism

4000.102 Campaigns & Elections in Europe

International Relations

3503 Becoming a China Hand

4000.104 The Politics of National Decline

Political Theory

3566 Critical Theories of Power

4816 Space, Territory, Politics

4846/6846 Equality

Honors Courses

4959 Honors: Research & Writing


6029 Advanced Regression Analysis

6069 Causal Inference

6079 Advanced Topics Mini-Course

Graduate Seminars

6031 Field Seminar in American Politics

6053 Comparative Methods in International Relations & Comparative Politics

6132 Politics of Inequality in the U.S.

6142/4142 Causes & Consequences of U.S. Foreign Policy

6171 Politics of Public Policy

6201 United States Congress

6304 Historical Analysis in Comparative Politics

6483 Authoritarianism and Democracy

6816 Arendt

6846/4846 Equality

7937 ProSeminar Peace Studies: Interdisciplinary Approaches


1503 Introduction to Africana Studies

1623 The World of Modern Japan

1901 Discussions of Justice

2673 The History and Politics of Modern Egypt

2807 Islam and Politics

3131 Nature and Functions Limits of Law

3401 Intersections of Feminist Theory and Practice

4279 The Animal

4655/6656 Social and Political Philosophy

4769 Spinoza & New Spinozism

4786 Holocaust in Postwar Culture

4835/6835 Pluralism, Political Authority

6045 Law & Literature

6215 Michel Foucault: Sovereignty to BioPolitics

6246 Psychoanalysis and Politics

Fall 2018

Introductory Courses

1111 Introduction to American Government and Politics

1817 Making Sense of World Politics

Major Seminars

4000.101 Despotism: Russia and Elsewhere

4000.102 Women, Peace and War

Other Seminars

4021 American Conservative Thought

4403 War and the State in Comparative Perspective

4626 Disobedience, Resistance, Refusal

4986/6986 Other Feminisms

American Government and Institutions

3012 The Politics of Poverty in the U.S.

3082 American Political Campaigns

3161 The American Presidency

3999 How Do You Know That?

4021 American Conservative Thought

Comparative Politics

2293 Politics and Music

2553 Inside Europe

3044 China's Next Economy

3294 Post-Truth Politics

3353 African Politics

4403 War and the State in Comparative Perspective

International Relations

3867 War: Causes and Conduct

Political Theory

3715 Political Theories of Colonialism

4626 Disobedience, Resistance, Refusal

4986/6986 Other Feminisms

Honors Courses

4949 Honors Thesis Seminar


3999 How Do You Know That?

4019/6019 Introductory Probability and Applied Statistics

Graduate Seminars

6022 Racial and Ethnic Politics in the U.S.

6067 Field Seminar in International Relations

6075 Field Seminar in Political Thought

6089 Time Series Analysis

6109 Field Methods

6122 Foundations of the Social Sciences

6353 Field Seminar in Comparative Politics

6433 Quantitative Text Analysis

7073 Game Theory 1


1503 Introduction to Africana Studies

1901 Discussions of Justice

2225 Controversies About Inequality

3242 Down the School to Prison Track and Back

3281 Constitutional Politics: The Supreme Court

3333 China-Africa Relations

3606 Fables of Capitalism

3705 Political Theories and Cinema

4645/6845 Recognition, Abjection, & State Ideology

4745/6745 Humanitarian Affects

4807 Social Studies of Space, Technologies and Borders

4998 Inquiry in Politics and Policy (Cornell in Washington)

Spring 2018

Introductory Courses

1313 Intro to Comparative Politics

Major Seminars

4000.101 Trump and American Politics

4000.102 Politics and Entertainment

Other Seminars

4031 Social Movements in American Politics

4265 Postcolonial Theory

4816 Topographies of Power

American Government and Institutions

2041 Electoral (mal)practice

3032 The Politics of Public Policy in the U.S.

3112 Congress and the Legislative Process

3142 Incarceration, Policy Response & Self-Reflection

4000.101 Trump and American Politics

4031 Social Movements in American Politics

Comparative Politics

2041 Electoral (mal)practice

2293 Politics and Music

3353 African Politics

4000.102 Politics and Entertainment

International Relations

3837 The Cold War

Political Theory

3736 Ancient Political Thought

4265 Postcolonial Theory

4816 Topographies of Power

Honors Courses

4959 Honors: Research & Writing


3990 Puzzle Solving with Data

6029 Advanced Regression Analysis

Graduate Seminars

6011 The American State

6031 Field Seminar American Politics

6053 Comparative Methods in International Relations & Comparative Politics

6202 Political Culture

6242 Experiment and Survey Design

6294 Parties, Populism, and Movements

6775 Language & Politics

6857 International Political Economy

6897 International Security

7937 ProSem Peace Study: Interdisciplinary Approaches


2604 Obama and the Meaning of Race

3633 Politics and Culture

3636 Introduction to Critical Theory

6215 Michel Foucault: Sovereignty to BioPolitics

Fall 2017

Introductory Courses

1111 Introduction to American Government and Politics

1817 Making Sense of World Politics

Major Seminars

4000.101 Despotism: Russia and Elsewhere

Other Seminars

4021 American Conservative Thought

4102 Governing Green Cities

4194 Asian Political Economy

4283 Latino Politics as Racial Politics

4566 Critical Theories of Power

4877 China and Asian Security

American Government and Institutions

2152 (Im)migration and (Im)migrants: Then & Now

3082 American Political Campaigns

3141 Prisons

3142 Incarceration, Policy Response & Self-Reflection

3999 How Do You Know That?

4021 American Conservative Thought

4102 Governing Green Cities

4283 Latino Politics as Racial Politics

Comparative Politics

2264 Contemporary Civil Wars

2553 Inside Europe

3284 Populism, Democracy & Authoritarianism

3364 Europe in Times of Crisis

3503 Becoming a China Hand

3999 How Do You Know That?

4194 Asian Political Economy

International Relations

2817 America Confronts the World

3547 America, Business & Int'l Pol Econ

3827 China and the World

4877 China and Asian Security

Political Theory

3605 Ideology

3785 Civil Disobedience

4566 Critical Theories of Power

Honors Courses

4949 Honors Thesis Seminar


4019 Introductory Probability & Applied Statistics (Not a senior seminar)

Graduate Seminars

6019 Introductory Probability and Applied Statistics

6049 Categorical and Count Data

6059 Panel and Multilevel Data

6102 Governing Green Cities

6303 Comparative Political Economy and Global Debates

6324 Proseminar in Chinese Politics

6353 Field Seminar in Comparative Politics

6433 Quantitative Text Analysis

6461 Public Opinion

6566 Critical Theories of Power

6596 Theories of Non/Violence

6676 Critical Continental Thought: French

6877 China and Asian Security

6969 Research, Writing, & Teaching in the Profession


1503 Intro to Africana Studies: 

1901 Discussions of Justice

2225 Controversies About Inequality

2432 Moral Dilemmas in the Law

2747 History of Modern MidEast

2807 Islam and Politics

3281 Constitutional Politics: The U.S. Supreme Court

3303 Politics of the Global North

3384 The Asian Century:  The Rise of China and India

3786 What Is A People?: The Social Contract and Its Discontents

4015 Existentialism or Marxism (Not a senior seminar)

4543 Fascism, Nationalism & Populism (Not a senior seminar)

4807 Social Studies of Space, Technologies and Borders (Not a senior seminar)

6303 Comparative Political Economy and Global Debates (Not a senior seminar)

6384 The Asian Century?  The Rise of China and India (Not a senior seminar)

6785 Persecution & Art of Writing (Not a senior seminar)

6946 Biopolitics (Not a senior seminar)

Cross-listed: Taught in Cornell-In-Washington

3494 SpTp: Regional Development & Globalization

Spring 2017

Introductory Courses

1313 Introduction to Comparative Politics

1615 Introduction to Modern Political Theory

Major Seminars

4000.101 Campaigning & Voting in Europe

4000.102 Politics and Entertainment

4000.103 American Grand Strategy

4000.104 Gender, Nationalism, and War

Other Seminars

4032 Immigration & Politics Res Sem

4827 China, Tibet and Xinjiang

American Government and Institutions

3142 Incarceration, Policy Response & Self-Reflection

3002 Civil Rights and Civil Liberties

3041 Win, Lose or Cheat?

3112 Congress and the Legislative Process

3152 Prisons, Politics & Policy

4032 Immigration & Politics Res Sem

Comparative Politics

3403 China Under Revolution/ Reform

3503 Becoming a China Hand

International Relations

3553 Issues Behind the News

3897 WIM: Human Right at War

4827 China, Tibet and Xinjiang

Political Theory

3675 Democracy and Its Discontents

3736 Ancient Political Thought

3809 Politics of 70's Films

Honors Courses

4959 Honors: Research & Writing


3990 Puzzle Solving with Data

6029 Advanced Regression Analysis

Graduate Seminars

6053 Compa Meth in Int'l & Comp Pol

6069 Causal Inference

6075 Field Seminar in Pol Thought

6079 Advanced Topics Mini-Course

6171 Politics of Public Policy

6304 Historical Analysis in Comparative Politics

6586 Schmitt, Strauss, Arendt

6897 International Security


1901 Discussions of Justice

2604 Obama and the Meaning of Race

2673 The History & Politics of Modern Egypt

3131 Nature Functions Limits of Law

3223 Was US Intervention in Libya To Remove Gaddafi a Mistake?

3333 Is China Recolonizing Africa?

3401 Intersections of Feminist Theory and Practice

4367 Geopolitics of Ice (Not a senior seminar)

4735 Marx, Freud, Nietzsche (Not a senior seminar)

4967 The Collapse of the Soviet Union (Not a senior seminar)

6045 Law & Literature (Not a senior seminar)

Fall 2016

Introductory Courses

1111 Introduction to American Government and Politics

1817 Introduction to International Relations

Major Seminars

4000.101 Democracy and Representation

4000.102 Politics and Entertainment

Other Seminars

4021 American Conservative Thought

4051 Postmod Presidency: Imagining the President (Election 2016)

4283 Latino Politics as Racial Politics

4291 Politics of Science

4726 Punitive Society

4877 China and Asian Security

American Government and Institutions

3001 Constitutional Law & U.S. Politics

3012 The Politics of Poverty in the U.S.

3082 American Political Campaigns

3142 Incarceration, Policy Response & Self-Reflection

3161 The American Presidency

3189 Taking America's Pulse: Creating & Conducting a Nat'l Opinion Poll

4021 American Conservative Thought

4283 Latino Politics as Racial Politics

4051 Postmod Presidency: Imagining the President (Election 2016)

Comparative Politics

3044 China's Next Economy

3273 Politics and Markets

3283 Russian Politics

3293 Comp. Politics of Latin America

3364 Europe in Times of Crisis

4291 Politics of Science

International Relations

3867 The Causes of War

3967 What is China?

4877 China and Asian Security

Political Theory

3726 Revolution

3785 Civil Disobedience

4726 Punitive Society

Honors Courses

4949 Honors Thesis Seminar


4019 Introductory Probability & Applied Statistics (Not a senior seminar)

Graduate Seminars

6049 Categorical & Count Data

6059 Panel & Multilevel Data

6067 Field Seminar in International Relations

6122 Foundations of the Social Sciences

6201 United States Congress

6242 Experiment and Survey Design

6353 Field Seminar in Comparative Politics

6483 Authoritarianism and Democracy

6606 The Politics of Pragmatism

6645 Democratic Theory

6496 Power

6877 China and Asian Security


1503 Intro to Africana Studies: 

1901 Discussions of Justice

2055.061 Tort Law

2225 Controversies About Inequality

2432 Moral Dilemmas in the Law

2747 History of Modern MidEast

3281 Constitutional Politics: The U.S. Supreme Court

3603 US Peacekeeping in Africa

3625 Modern Political Philosophy

3626 Intro to the Early History of Political Philosophy

3633 Politics and Culture

3705 Political Theory and Cinema

3977 History of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

4339 Nationalism(s) in the Arab World (Not a senior seminar)

4867 Through the Prison Threshold (Not a senior seminar)

6122 Foundations of the Social Sciences (Not a senior seminar)

6779 Cosmopolitanism and Post-Enlightenment (Not a senior seminar)

Cross-listed: Taught in Cornell-In-Washington

3168 Road to the White House, 2016

3494 SpTp: Regional Development & Globalization

Spring 2016

Introductory Courses

1313 Intro to Comparative Government and Politics

1615 Introduction to Modern Political Theory

Major Seminars

4000.01 Authoritarianism

4000.02 Turkey and the Middle East

4000.03 Campaigning in and for Europe

4000.04 Politics and Entertainment

4000.05 American Grand Strategy

Other courses that fulfill seminar requirement

4021 American Conservative Thought

4032 Immigration & Politics Research Seminar

4293 Comparative Urbanization

4414 Politics, Violence, and the Study of Cambodia

4827 Unifying while Integrating: China & the World

4847 Realist Theory of International Relations

American Government and Institutions

3021 Social Movements in American Politics

3032 The Politics of Public Policy in the U.S.

3112 Congress and the Legislative Process

3141 Prisons

3142 Incarceration, Policy Response & Self-Reflection

3809 Politics of 70’s Film

4021 American Conservative Thought

4032 Immigration & Politics Research Seminar

Comparative Politics

3274 Game Theory and Politics

3443 Southeast Asian Politics

4293 Comparative Urbanization

4414 Politics, Violence, and the Study of Cambodia

International Relations

3553 Issues Behind the News

3827 China and the World

3837 The Cold War

4827 Unifying while Integrating: China & the World

4847 Realist Theory of International Relations

Political Theory

3809 Politics of 70’s Film

Honors Courses

4959 Honors: Research & Writing


3990 Puzzle Solving with Data

6029 Advanced Regression Analysis

Graduate Seminars

6029 Advanced Regression Analysis

6031 Field Seminar American Politics

6053 Comparative Methods in International & Comparative Politics

6202 Political Culture

6293 Comparative Urbanization

6304 Historical Analysis in Comparative Politics

6736 Ancient Political Thought: Aristotle: freedom, power, rule

6815 Political Theory and Aesthetics

6827 Unifying while Integrating: China & the World

6847 Realist Theory of International Relations

6857 International Political Economy

6867 International Law, War & Human Rights

7074 Game Theory 2

Cross-listed Courses

1503 Introduction to Africana Studies (This course DOES NOT fulfill the Government major’s Introductory Course Requirement)

2604 Obama & the Meaning of Race

2673 The History & Politics of Modern Egypt

2676 Periclean Athens

3303 Politics of the Global North

3537 Zionism & Its Discontents

3786 What Is A People?:The Social Contract and Its Discontents

4015 Existentialism or Marxism (Will not fulfill Govt. seminar req.)

4367 Geopolitics on Ice: Technology, Resources, and War in the Polar Regions (Will not fulfill Govt. seminar req.)

4603 Pol & Soc Change Southern Africa (Will not fulfill Govt. seminar req.)

4655 Social & Political Philosophy: Inequalities: Economic, Political, Social, & Racial (Will not fulfill Govt. seminar req.)

6045 Law and Literature (Will not fulfill Govt. seminar req.)

6656 Social & Political Philosophy: Inequalities: Economic, Political, Social, & Racial (Will not fulfill Govt. seminar req.)

Cross-listed: Taught in Cornell-In-Washington

3494 SpTp: Regional Development & Globalization

4998 Politics and Policy: Theory, Research, & Practice (Will not fulfill Govt. seminar req.)

Fall 2014

Introductory Courses

1111 Introduction to American Government Politics

1817 Introduction to International Relations

Major Seminars

4000.02 World War I and International Relations Theory

Other Seminars

4021 American Conservative Thought

4353 The Political Development of Western Europe

4403 War and the State in Comparative Perspective

American Government and Institutions

3001 Constitutional Law

3012 The Politics of Poverty in the U.S.

4021 American Conservative Thought

Comparative Politics

3403 China Under Revolution/Reform

3553 Issues Behind the News

4353 The Political Development of Western Europe

4403 War and the State in Comparative Perspective

International Relations

3877 Nuclear Security in a Changing World

3927 Understanding Israeli-Lebanese Relations

4819 Human Rights & Governments (Not a senior seminar)

Political Theory

3665 American Political Thought: Madison to Malcolm X

Honors Courses

4949 Honors Thesis Seminar


4019 Introductory Probability & Applied Statistics (Not a senior seminar)

Graduate Seminars

6019 Introductory Probability & Applied Statistics

6021 Poverty & Social Policy

6039 Adv. Topics in Quant Empirical Methodology

6067 Field Seminar in International Relations

6201 United States Congress

6324 Proseminar in Chinese Politics

6353 Field Seminar in Comparative Politics

6606 The Politics of Pragmatism

6736 Ancient Political Thought

6857 International Political Economy

7073 Game Theory I


1503 Blackness in Global and Transnational Perspective

2002 Creating Contemporary Cornell

2225 Controversies About Inequality

2284 Capitalism in China

2583 Environmental Issues in the Contemporary Middle East

2605 Social and Political Philosophy

2716 Politics of Violence in 20th C Europe

2747 History of Modern MidEast: 19-20th Century

3606 Homo Oeconomius

3646 The History of the Present

3766 Multicultural Israel

4303 The GMO Debate: Science and Society (Not a senior seminar)

4554 Beyond Totalitarianism (Not a senior seminar)

4655 Topics in Social & Political Philosophy (Not a senior seminar)

4666 Sense and Citizenship: Aesthetics in Political Theory (Not a senior seminar)

4696 Melancholy Left: Marx to Benjamin (Not a senior seminar)

4745 Humanitarian Affects (Not a senior seminar)

4786 The Holocaust in Postwar Culture (Not a senior seminar)

4819 Human Rights & Governments (Not a senior seminar)

6406 Africa, Humanitarianism and Postcolonial Sensibilities (Not a senior seminar)

6554 Beyond Totalitarianism

6656 Topics in Social & Political Philosophy

6696 Melancholy Left: from Marx to Benjamin (Not a senior seminar)

6786 The Holocaust in Postwar Culture (Not a senior seminar)
