A Professor Who Challenges the Washington Consensus on China

The New Yorker profiled Jessica Chen Weiss, Michael J. Zak Professor for China and Asia-Pacific Studies in the College of Arts & Sciences and professor in the Brooks School of Public Policy as an influential public intellectual in "A Professor Who Challenges the Washington Consensus on China."

"Weiss has emerged as a kind of loyal and measured opposition to a rare case of bipartisan consensus in Washington—that China must be countered at all costs," writes Ian Johnson in the New Yorker.

He describes her "policy-focussed approach" as calling for the United States to "be willing to offer rewards for better Chinese behavior, rather than solely a series of punishments, and set up more regular contact between Washington and Beijing"—though as Weiss notes elsewhere, those approaches must be both conditional and reciprocal. 

Read the entire New Yorker profile here.

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		 Jessica Chen Weiss